Monday, November 29, 2010

1/4 the way done!!

Today was the last day of clinic!! I can't believe how fast this semester has flown by! I have had such a great time and made so many friends.  Today we learned how to perform clinic assistant duties. Next semester we will be clinic assistant for one morning and one afternoon. We also went over emergency procedures and how we felt about our real patient day.  I am ready for the break, but excited to come back next semester! I can't believe I am 25% done!! WOO HOO!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Real Patient Day

Today was our real patient day.  Brittney was my patient. She has a tiny mouth!! but she was such a good sport. X-rays took me quite a bit longer than I had planned. I think I was a little nervous for some reason. I had to take two retakes, but luckily they looked good.  I didn't have time to scale today, but she is coming back next semester to finish up the appointment.  I am so excited for next semester. I can't wait to start working on patients and seeing the results. It is going to be AMAZING!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Coming to an end..

Clinic is coming to an end! We only have two more clinic sessions and we are done for the semester. I can't believe it is almost over!! Emily finished scaling my teeth today. She polished and placed fluoride on my teeth.  I am soooooo sick of fluoride varnish. YUCK. nasty stuff.  Monday we see our first patient. I am getting a little nervous, but I think it will go well. I am still pretty worried about the instructore situation. There will only be 3 instructors for 16 students. We are going to be waiting for FOREVER for a check.. Hopefully, it will go smoothly. I just have to be on the ball, so I can get a check first. That won't be so easy, considering we have an amazingly smart, on the ball class!

Monday, November 15, 2010

patient empathy day

Today in clinic I was the patient and Emily was my hygienist. She go a lot further than I did on my first day!! I showed up late, poor girl. I felt so bad. I'm going to bring her a dr. pepper to say sorry :(  It is really boring to sit in the chair for four hours. All I wanted to do was start scaling on someone!! In a week from today I will have my first real patient (Brittney). I hope it all goes well. I have a feeling it is going to be suuuuuuuper crowded. It's already a struggle to get a professor to come and check your work and there are only half of us working. Monday ALL of us will be working, so it is going to be a madhouse for sure!! Wednesday I am the patient again.  Another relaxing, boring day ahead. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

mock patient day #2

Today I got a lot done!! It was way more fun than last time was. Although, I feel like I forgot all of the skills that I have learned. I scaled all four quads and took too long so I failed that section (and I was the first one done scaling!). It is going to take some practice to get faster!! I'm excited to see my real patient and to be able to work on someone every clinic session. I can't believe that the semester is almost over, it's crazy! I'm almost 1/4 of the way done. WOOT WOOT!

Monday, November 8, 2010

mock patient day

today was mock patient day. I was the operator and Emily was my patient.  I went out front to get her and brought her back to my chair.  I went over all of the stuff that I would with a real patient. It was a little confusing and hectic, but it went pretty well. Probing took so long for me! I can't wait until it is second nature.  I get to be the operator again on Wednesday, so I will get to do some scaling. Hopefully the professors will tell us what to do and how to go about it, because I am clueless... I hope I'm not the only one that feels this way. Next time I get to pass of my very last PE!! Can't wait.