Wednesday, October 27, 2010


We learned how to air-powder polish and rubber cup polish today. These techniques are used to remove stain.  The powder that we use in the air-powder polisher is sodium bicarbonate that is "mint" flavored. GAG!! Tasted like salty, warm water. I'm a fan of salt, but this was NAAAASTY.  After trying a couple of teeth with that, I worked on the rubber cup polisher, which is MUCH more pleasant.  With the rubber cup polisher we used toothpaste..yum! Muuuuuuch better than the nasty salt stuff. After Jamie got all my teeth nice and clean with the rubber cup polisher, they had her put on a fluoride varnish. Fluoride varnish is a film that they put over your teeth that releases fluoride into your teeth. LOVE the IDEA of the varnish, HAAAAATE the feeling!! I feel like I haven't brushed my teeth for a week! They are all fuzzy and gross! All I want to do is go home and brush my teeth, it's driving me CRAZY!! But, my teeth will become nice and healthy from my fluoride application.

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