Monday, January 31, 2011

worth the wait.

My patient was an hour late today!!! I am having the worst luck with patients being on time! I got to take 18 x-rays on her today and she has 3 quads class III and 1 quad class II, so she meets a lot of requirements for me. She was definitely worth the wait!! She is a gagger and I'll probably have to have an instructor numb her up for me, but I am way excited to work on her. Her probing depths were crazy! A healthy probing depth is 1-3 mm and hers were 7-9 mm deep!! It was crazy. She was super nice! I love her hair. I was making fun of how thin my hair is and she said that's because it all went to my eyelashes. It was so sweet! She said that I have amazing eyelashes, what a nice lady.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Karen, I am writing on your blog to tell you that I am jealous that you keep getting awesome patients, well their classifications are awesome I mean. Them being late isn't so awesome, but you have been meeting so many classifications! You are getting so much experience, you even got to use the gracey's today! Way to to Karen! Let's go get scones now.
