Sunday, March 18, 2012


CLINICAL BOARD ARE OVER!!!! What a huge relief! I passed my local anesthesia exam! Woot woot!! I also found out the other on Monday that I passed my National board exam! What a confidence boost right before clinicals! Everything that could have possibly went wrong, went wrong. I dropped the needle cap on the floor, I knocked the other one over, the examiner bumped me, they made me aspirate a bunch of times, I stabbed myself in the finger, and I had to redo the PSA on the dreaded left side.... I ended up using four syringes!! I thought for sure that I had failed. When I opened my result envelope and saw that blessed purple paper, it was the best feeling ever!! The clinical board went pretty well too. My patient was on time and my first submission qualified. I was crunched for time, I have no idea where that two hours went, but it flew by! I checked my patient out with one minute to spare. I messed up on probe depths, but caught it last minute. I really hope I fixed my errors. My patient's calculus was TOUGH!! It would NOT COME OFF. I have a callus on my thumb from instrumenting. He was a trooper though! I was able to give him injections all by myself. I felt like I was being naughty and giving him the shots behind my instructors back! Once I got over that, it was really cool. I can't wait until I can do that all the time.  Too bad we have to wait a month for our results! I am going to go crazy! My patient is going to the clinic tomorrow to have more of his teeth cleaned by a first year student and Jenn is going to check the quad that I cleaned. I am nervous, but hopefully it goes well!

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